Dare To Prepare 6th Edition 2018 (Book) Prudent Places USA 4th Edition 2014 (CDROM)
DARE TO PREPARE 6th Edition 2018 is in huge demand due to current terrorist threats, economic uncertainty and increasing
natural disasters. Written by Holly Drennan Deyo with an introduction
by Stan Deyo, this magnificent work is THE ultimate city-suburban-rural emergency preparedness reference book. Dare To Prepare
covers 632 pages, 8-1/2" by 11" format paperback - about the size of a
telephone book. Over 330 photographs and illustrations, plus many
charts and tables, make personalized preparedness super simple.
Why Dare To Prepare ?
dozen years ago, I had a hard time convincing family and friends
(though not Stan) we were experiencing disasters more frequently and
with increased severity. From decades of reading many books on Earth
changes, the material became pretty convincing we would be on a path of
change. That time of change has arrived, but concrete evidence was
needed - information we could refer to reliably and show the
disbelieving why we need to prepare. Not terrorism is added to the mix.
If you are having trouble convincing family members, spouses and
friends of the need for having supplies on hand, Dare To Prepare is an
invaluable aid.
69 chapters are
dedicated to step-by-step
preparation in simple English, much of which you will find nowhere
else, as well as personal anecdotes. Dare To Prepare is not
just a compilation of lists; it is the blueprint for how Holly and Stan
Deyo organize their home. All the information you need to store
provisions long and short-term is included besides detailed
instructions of long-forgotten skills that's fun for the entire family.
Lot of options are given to make your planning as flexible and
personalized as possible. Dare To Prepare empowers you to store
confidently for as little or as long as you like using both metric and
US measurements throughout.
NOTICE: Prudent Places USA 2014 is a CDROM which requires a computer to read and view it. It will NOT work in either an ordinary CD or a DVD player.
Prudent Places USA 2014 Edition
NOTICE: Prudent Places USA is a CDROM which requires a computer to read and view it. It will NOT work in either an ordinary CD or a DVD player.
Prudent Places USA 4th Edition covers seven main areas: • Natural Disasters • Man-made Disasters • Environmental Basics • Environmental Problems • Energy • People and • Places You'll
find maps in the right column of the Table of Contents and text
chapters on the left.
Within these chapter headings, you have access to
64 main topics, plus additional subtopics. Prudent Places USA 4th
Edition contains over 800 high resolution, full color maps, numerous
informative tables, beautiful photographs of America, plus a myriad of
bonus data. Prudent Places USA 4th Edition is visually enjoyable as well
as informative. Nowhere can you find better detailed, more highly
defined, full-color maps as those in Prudent Places USA 4th Edition.
These 2 x 3 feet maps are so sharp, so clear, you can print them on an 8
1/2 x 11 sheet of paper and see the information distinctly.
Places USA 4th Edition shows maps to a county level — all 3,142 of them!
As a result, maps are very large and must be presented in CD-ROM
format. It does little good to give a broad stroke picture when there
are pockets of safer places in many states. Then again, some areas are
absolutely NOT prudent.
Why Prudent Places USA 4th Edition 2014 is So Important
Without doubt, the number one question we are asked is: Where is safe?
Considering our drastically changing weather, terrorist concerns, and
now government and elitists run amuck, this question is more prescient
than ever. No one can guarantee 100% safety for any location, however,
there are more clever places to live.
Even if you're not relocating, Prudent Places USA 4th Edition
informs you about the community you call home. Understanding its pros
and cons, its strengths and weaknesses enables you better prepare for
the unexpected.
If you are considering a move, Prudent Places USA 4th Edition helps you avoid pitfalls. Prudent Places USA 4th Edition answers all these questions and many more:
- Where is the UN's Agenda 21 land?
- Where is nuclear waste stored and what route does it take when moved?
- Where is land too contaminated to live on?
- Where do nuclear power plants earthquake faultlines collide?
- Where are new nuclear power plants going to be built?
- Where states are least restricted by oppressive laws and taxation?
- What counties have safe groundwater?
- Where is the cleanest air?
- Where are the UN's biospheres and reserves?
- Where are America's prime nuclear targets?
- What counties are safest from gang activity?
- What rivers have contaminated fish?
- What counties are less prone to floods and tornadoes?
- Where are active volcanoes?
- What are the current gun laws for each state?
- What states have Make My Day and Castle Doctrines for gun laws?
- Where are homeschool-friendly states and what are the requirements for each?
- Where's the best climate?
- Where are the nuclear reactors and do they pose a problem?
- Will rising sea levels flood my area?
- Where counties are most prone crime?
- Which counties have the least animal waste pollution and pesticide contamination?
- What is the likelihood of an earthquake?
- Where are foreign drug cartels operating?
- For going off-grid, what counties are best for solar power? Wind power? Geo-thermal power?
- What's my seismic risk and is a major fault close by?
- Where are the most desirable rural locations?
- What counties are safest from floods?
- Where are dangerous dams?
- Where are major military bases?
- What counties have the least natural disasters? The most?
- What counties are in Hail Alley?
- Where are the chemical weapons and deadly germ facilities?
- How can I find caves and mines?
- What counties are hit with the most hurricanes and how far inland do they go?
- What counties have the least crime?
- What states curb firearm ownership?
Whew! That's a lot, but it's just the start.
Already Have Prudent Places USA?
This is the first MAJOR update to Prudent Places USA
in a decade. So much has changed in 10 years – mostly not for the
better. Nearly every map, every chapter, 'tittle and jot' has been
updated and redesigned to reflect the most current information available
anywhere. The 4th Edition required a year to research and complete
using only the most reliable sources and trending information.
Prudent Places gives
you impartial, scientific and government data to arm you with the best
aids in finding either a new place to live, a bugout location, or how
best to benefit from your current residence. For those who purchased
Prudent Places USA from Deyo Enterprises during 2013 and can provide your order number, you will receive a 50% discount.
